Saturday, August 13, 2005

Terminator 3?

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I don't think the reference is to the third Terminator movie (which I enjoyed) but it makes a good picture anyway, ;-). Welcome back to the Back Porch.

The Thursday Threesome: The T3
::Sturgis Motorcycle Rally::
Onesome: Sturgis- Have you ever been there, or anywhere else in South Dakota? Want to see where Laura Ingalls Wilder grew up in her Little Town on the Prairie? Or have you taken in Mount Rushmore and the Black Hills? LOL Well I've not actually been to the rally, but close. One summer my parents decided to go to Mount Rushmore during our summer vacation. Unfortunately they happened to pick the time that the Sturgis festival was happening! There wasn't a camp sight free for a hundred miles of Rushmore--we ended up sleeping in our van in a rest area. So yeah, I've been to South Dakota, seen the effects of Sturgis, and been to Rushmore. I don't think we stopped by the Crazy Horse monument--but I really want to see that finished some day, I know it will be awesome if it ever is done.

Twosome: Motorcycle- Ever owned or ridden on a motorcycle? Do you aspire to ownership now? Ever wanted to hit the open rode and just go? No. No. In a car sure, I'd love to just drive and go have an adventure (if I had the time off work, money, and friends along to make it possible ;-)), *sigh*, but real life is so complicated.

Threesome: Rally- v. to muster for a common purpose- Ever been to a large rally of any sort? A church rally, motorcycle rally or even a big family reunion? Or how about a road rally? Where did you go? Was a good time had by all? Well our family reunions are somewhat large, though I've not been to one in many years. One of the last I attended was at a camp in Montana--we had great fun there putting pine needles (even one small dead tree) on campfires watching the flames soar up. Oh, and at one point two of my nephews were arguing over a small padlock they'd found--so I just kept it. :-) I still have it somewhere--the key is on my keychain.

Okay, so what else about life in general? I applied for that full time position today--but I'm sure I won't hear anything either way for at least a couple weeks minimum. I'm must going to try and not think about it, ;-).

I just started reading two series last night--yes two series. I have both and couldn't decide which to start reading first--therefore I started with one to test it out, and then read the first chapter of the other. I still couldn't decide so I determined to read a chapter of one, then a chapter of the other and keep going back and forth thusly. This way I maintained suspesnse and interest as I get into the book and at the end of each chapter I'm always ready for more--but I transfer over to the other book, reacquire my interest in that one, and the cycle repeats.

Tonight just as I got home one of my nephews came out and asked me to take him to to Wal-Mart and then to church for a youth event--he said that he'd pay for gas. Therefore as we took of a couple minutes later I wrote down the milage, then did so when I got back to the house. I found that I'd driven 29.6 miles. I have a little black book (inhereited from my parents from whom I acquired the car) where I keep track of mileage, gas prices, MPG, and such. I referenced this book and noted the miles per gallon of my last tank and the price I'd paid for gas when I filled up a couple days ago ($2.499) [Which doesn't sound so bad when I heard my parents had to pay $2.799 in Barstow as they were driving home). I divided the total miles by the miles per gallon and then I multiplied the answerby the last price per gallon I'd paid. I found out that he owes me exactly $4.50--I don't think he though it would cost him that much.

Oh yeah, and when we got to Wal-Mart I dropped him off--but he came out to get me (from the Sporting Goods section in the far corner of the store) because he couldn't buy paintballs (being only 15 years of age). So I went in to buy them for him--he figures he can go crazier if he has his own for the paintballing at the all-night youth event.

Well I can't think of anything else for now, so I'll close this down--oh wait, I did think of something. I went out to the library's August book sale yesterday (well two days ago now, it officially being Saturday morning, early--so it was Thursday that I went) in the most distant branch. I was sorely disappointed to find well under twenty fantasy and sci-fi books to pick from. I did end up spending around $20.00--but that included two picture books for each of the small kids, two Hardy Boys for one of the older boys, and several history books (including another awesome Hammond Atlas--I can't wait to get my Hammond collection on one shelf! :-)). I can only hope that the October sale (at the nearest branch) has a better selection of my favourite genres.


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