Monday, August 08, 2005

Wanted, more words!

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Of course this association is from Luna Niña.
  1. Complexion:: pale
  2. Teach:: school
  3. Back to school:: sale
  4. Months:: years
  5. Nominate:: presidential candidate
  6. Favorite curse word:: $%#@
  7. Concerned:: parent
  8. Better:: mousetrap
  9. Escalate:: tension
  10. Unveil:: the bride
*grumble* *grumble* I had some typed up, but my computer shut off on me. Grrrr... Well I'll try to reconstruct what I had. Yesterday, well technically now the day before yesterday (i.e. Saturday) evening I picked up my brother-in-law from the airport at the conclusion of his latest trip--this one to Greece. No, I'm not at all jealous of his international trips, why do you ask? :-)

I just [01:12] remembered what I'd forgotten from my first attempt! :-) reviews! I don't know how many of those that read this blog know, but I've recently started reviewing at I have currently confined myself to books or movies I've just finished--but I think I might start branching into at least a couple things I've not read for some time. I want to review Philip Pullman's insidious His Dark Materials trilogy and my favourite Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L. Shirer. If you'd like to check out my reviews you can do so through my page at the end of this link. I have eight so far, but that should keep climbing. :-) If you enjoy my review and think it valuable you can vote for it, but please, only if you like it. I'm not doing this just to get numbers to inflate my status. I just think that some of y'all might enjoy the reviews. Also please check out my friend Mark Baker (he of this blog) who is much further along in reviews than I (he is a top 500 reviewer and about to break into the top 100!). We have different styles (;-)) but I really enjoy his reviews and find them valuable. Check him out too!

Today was an excellent church service. "One of [Satan's] all time great lies that he wants us to buy, is there's no way you can be a Christian if you act 'that' way or if you think 'such things'. [sic] He tries to condemn us with that very sin for which Christ had to die to atone."

Lunch was just leftovers (my sister-in-law's recipe of Special Delivery Chicken--yum!!) and Rice-A-Roni (actually the cheap Aldi brand, but just as good!), but dinner was great. It featured corn on the cob (the kids were apparently thrilled to shuck it, so I wasn't drafted! *whew* Hamburgers and hot dogs rounded out the menu, with some left over. Hopefully something will be good for lunch on Tuesday so I might be able to get away with not making sandwiches. *shrugs*

I'm going to take two of my nerfs (the older two of the youngest four) to the museum soon, probably next week. I think they'll enjoy the space exhibit, and I know they'll like running around the Children's Museum again, ;-).

Now I know this is utterly surprising to y'all, but I'd like to get to bed at a semi-decent hour (i.e. before 01:00) so I'll sign this off now and try to sleep. Yeah, try being the operative word. :-)


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the plug. :)

    Go to bed before 3 AM? But you don't have church tomorrow, so go ahead and stay up late.
