Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Hate crime?

This nauseates me.

A paperback copy of the Koran was tossed into a toilet on the lower Manhattan campus of Pace University - the latest in a spate of bias incidents upsetting students and administrators at the college, officials said yesterday.
The NYPD Hate Crime Task Force is investigating the vandalism of the Koran, and the university's private security also is probing the incident, sources said.
"A Koran thrown into the toilet? I am hurt, not just as a Muslim but as a human being," said Zeina Berjaoui, 20, president of Pace's Muslim Student Association.
No, I don't care about the Koran. We are NOT a Muslim country, hence by American laws this should simply be a book. I might not want someone to dump a Bible in a toilet, but I would NEVER want them prosecuted for such an action. Unless it was my Bible, but that would apply to anything stolen from me--the problem wouldn't be that a Bible was desecrated, but that my property was stolen and damaged.

I think I've already mentioned that I think hate crime laws are stupid (and should be viewed as unconstitutional), but this is simply too far.

How have we come to the point where we can burn a flag in protest, but it is a hate crime to "desecrate" a Muslim (Jews and Christians don't count so desecrate all the Torahs and Bibles you want) book?!?!?!?


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