Thursday, January 11, 2007

I want one of these!

Browse through this article from Wired Magazine. The guy behind the Furby is at it again, inventing a robotic pet that looks much better than anything currently available. Here is the first part of the fascinating article I've linked to above:
WHEN I FIRST MEET PLEO, the tiny dinosaur is curled up on a kitchen table, its long tail and big head pulled inward. It's snoring quietly, emitting a strangely soothing sound, almost like the amplified purring of a guinea pig. I'm tempted to reach out and touch it – but it looks so peaceful, I can't bring myself to disturb it. Then I realize what I'm doing: I'm worrying about waking up a robot. Caleb Chung seems to understand my reluctance. "It's OK," the toy's inventor says, motioning to the little green lizard. "You can touch him." But before I do, Pleo wakes up on its own, fluttering open its doelike eyes and lifting its head. There's a barely perceptible whizzing as its 14 internal motors spring into action and it struggles upright, stretching itself to get the kinks out. "You know, all your dogs do that," Chung says as Pleo begins to poke around the table. "They wake up in the morning and go 'ummmm' – just like that." The dino lets out a long, creaky honk.

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  1. That is truly bizzare. Were you allowed to have a Furby? Mom and Dad gave me a resounding "no" when i asked that question. A guinea pig/lizard/doglike thing. Wow, what will technology give us next?

    ~ Julie :-)

  2. No, I never really wanted a Furby. They weren't actually even semi-intelligent. This Pleo looks as though it mimics intelligence and learning much better. Plus it would circumvent no-pet policies.
