Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Memory Lane

For some reason I just did a Google search on my name. The first results are my Amazon.com and .co.uk accounts. No surprises there. But a bit further down the page I came across some interesting stuff. Here is a post written by John after our trip to campaign in Las Vegas back in 2002.

I hadn't thought about this trip in a while. It was a good trip down memory lane. I'll quote a couple excerpts here, but you really should read the whole thing to get the full experience. John spins a good tale!

Well, it started a few weeks ago when I found out that the Republican Party was hosting a new campaigning "Program" in Nevada- I'm in Southern California, BTW. Basically, two new districts have been apportioned in the Las Vegas area, and they're asking people as far out as LA to come help in the last few moments of the campaign. It promised an all-expenses-paid trip, and hey- VEGAS!
It was a great trip. I also went on another trip two years later, but that time the only one I knew was Mark.

Houses built by M. C. Escher: 20

Near Death experiences: 21

Yard Sales: 5

Annoyed People: 3

Note the first part. It seemed that nearly every house that I was assigned to was built by ESCHER. Just to get tot he door involved trekking across three staircases, two ramps, and a walkway. Some of them included random foliage (not native to Arizona), bear traps, gates, fences, cages, cliffs, ledges, etc. Near the end of the first block of them, I slipped and nearly fell to my DOOM on concrete roughly 15 feet below, but I caught myself with my hand. One of the houses actually had the cliff face sticking through in a pseudo-garage courtyard that was right before the stairway to the front door (but after two other staircases, a ramp, and a steep hill for a driveway). Matt, on the other side of the street, got nothing but perfectly normal houses.

Me: *slip* "Woah! AGH!" *thunk* *skid* *grab* *fliers going everywhere*

Matt: "John! You, we can replace- but those fliers...!!"

Me: "...ow..."

Matt: "I don't fall down at MY houses!"

Me: "Quiet, or I'll hurl rocks upon your skull."

The MC Escher houses were great (says the one who didn't hang stuff on their front doors :-)). There might be just a bit of hyperbole in the above text, but not much.

Now, a note: Matt is a full-out trekkie. I like the show a little. I've been to this ride/gallery be fore, and Matt had not. He was in HEAVEN. The ride was basically Star Tours, just a lot better, and then we were immediately shuffled into the gift shop.

I bought for myself the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition book: "Greed is eternal" is one of my favourite rules from there (One will appear on my door per day- Peace is good for business. War is good for business. Never trust a man wearing a better suit than yours. Never have sex with the bos' sister. etc...)
Both times I went to Vegas to campaign I went to the Hilton and Star Trek: The Experience and didn't get to see anything else of the strip. It was good, but I'd like to see more someday.

Now go read the rest on your own! I was outright laughing at the memories at a couple points.


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