Tuesday, January 23, 2007

More Muslim Nonesense

This is reminiscent of the contrived nature of the Flying Imams nonsense. A Muslim woman just graduated as a police officer in the UK, but she "refus[ed] to shake hands with Britain's most senior police chief for religious reasons."
The woman had earlier insisted that it was contrary to her religious teaching for her to touch a man.
I got this story from Clayton Cramer's blog. As he and others have pointed out, how on earth can she arrest anybody?
I believe [Clayton writes], from reading Azar Nafisi's Reading Lolita in Tehran, a memoir of teaching literature while wearing a veil, that Muslim women are only allowed to touch father, brother, and husband. It sounds like this police officer is going to have a rather limited set of potential offenders that she can handcuff!
Thankfully she, and all other new officers automatically serve a two year probation where their fitness to serve is evaluated. If she insists on holding to this ridiculous (I only use that word because she wants to be a cop--she could hold that stance in private life, but for a cop it is stupid) stance then she deserves to be fired. I only hope that officials have the courage to fire her and withstand the charges of "racism."

This isn't the only similar story coming out of the UK. Look at this story about a Muslim woman refusing to sell cigarettes. This story came from Isaac Schrödinger's blog. He is an ex-Muslim and has a great perspective on the Islamic world, having been deep inside it until fairly recently.


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