Wednesday, March 07, 2007

China in Ohio?

I pass this building every day on my way home from work. I finally had a chance to snap a picture of it today while I was waiting at a red light behind a long line of cars.

My job is working out well and should last for quite a while yet. Hopefully I'll be offered a full-time job when my temp work with the company is done. However, I'm not completely sure that this will happen. Right now I don't have enough free time to job search (at least if I like to have any sleep!) so I'm not worrying about it. I have enough saved up that when this job ends I can pay bills for a couple months while I look for work--not that I anticipate it taking too long to find something.

In the meantime though I'm just trying to make do. ;-) My internet connection should be hooked up on Friday and a neighbor just gave me a computer desk! :-)

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