Tuesday, March 06, 2007


This name has a history in my family. Someone a ways back, I can't remember exactly who, was named Townsend after a friend. Thereafter there has been a Townsend every generation. My grandfather was named Max Townsend. I have a couple cousins with the name and several nephews. One though has the name as a first name.

He enjoys finding things that share his name--like Townsend, Tennessee, which he had the opportunity to visit a few years ago. Therefore I thought that he might enjoy this picture. I took this picture of a coworker's keys when I was at the museum last weekend.


1 comment:

  1. Did you send the picture to Townsend? My granddad was named Jay Townsend. His mother named him Townsend after her uncle that took her in because she was an orphan. The uncle's name was Townsend Piper.
