Sunday, March 04, 2007


I received a gift card to a restaurant earlier this year, but I don't have anyone to ask.  So I asked my sister if she wanted to go out to eat.  Today I took her to Outback Steakhouse.  I haven't been to a nice restaurant like that in quite a while.  We started out with cheese fries (they also had bacon).  My sister had salmon and I had a sirloin steak with a baked potato.

I ordered the appetizer not only because I was hungry and it looked good, but because I didn't want to be too hungry when it came time for the main course.  I usually eat everything I order, which is fine then--but it does make the leftovers a bit sparse.  Today I had some steak and potato left--so I think I might get a couple of steak sandwiches.  :-)  I haven't had one of those since I left California.


"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero

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