Sunday, April 22, 2007

Cravings of Normalcy

Could this day actually be normal? I'm not sure, but I hope that it turns into such. I was quite relaxed today--I even slept in. My nephew and I went to second service, as well as one other nephew that wanted to stick around for a second Sunday school class.

Then I spent the rest of the day enjoying myself, including fixing more strawberry shortcake for the rest of my sister's family and watching a movie with the nerfs (Flushed Away). Of course I'll have to do laundry tomorrow, but I am baking my bread right now and so things aren't that bad off.

For now I cry pardon for the lateness and brevity. I must needs slip off to bed. Thankee, sai.


PS The Dark Tower? Why would you ask? You thinking I'm reading the comic series "The Gunslinger Born" to get back into the world of the Tower? Would I do such a thing?

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