Saturday, April 21, 2007

Resistance is Futile

One of my nephews is spending the night tonight at my apartment. I always enjoy having time for this, though I had to work at bigg's last night so I had no chance then. Whenever my job situation improves I hope to have most nights free.

I told him that we could cook whatever dessert he could find in one of my cookbooks. It is an old alphabetical cookbook from Gold Medal Flour. I did deny one request to make a cake. Then he choose gingerbread cookies. I would have, but I noted that the dough had to set for 1-2 hours before you could continue--that was enough for him.

Finally he settled on strawberry shortcake. If I was in California I would probably have some fresh berries, but alas I did not. Therefore we drove to the nearest Kroger where I procured said berries along with a couple of other supplies. Then I came home, cooked the shortcake and we enjoyed a delicious dessert. Oh, just to whet your appetites here is a picture. Enjoy!
