Thursday, April 26, 2007

Google's Vanishing Act

When I woke up this morning and logged onto Google to take a look at my homepage there, all my settings were gone!  Then when I started to change things back the changes didn't save properly.  They were there for a bit, then disappeared again.

I've always enjoyed working with Google, because they do great work.  I wish I knew what had happened here.  I didn't have anything vital in my homepage--I usually just use it to take a quick glance at things.  But I don't remember where I got all of the widgets I had installed there.  :(

I just hope that nothing happens to my Google Reader settings.  I would be lost without all of my blogs and podcast feeds aggregated there.  And no, don't suggest some program, I use too many computers to use a program (I tried it).  And I don't have an iPod (and hate iTunes anyway).

I found a thread in one of Google's forums where many other people complained of the same thing today--so it wasn't just me.  At this point I just wish one of the Google blogs I read would mention the problem so I would know I wasn't truly crazy or alone.


PS I'm still waiting to hear back from Answers in Genesis, though my second interview did go very well.

"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero

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