Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A recent conversation

Matt: [content redacted to prevent severe bodily harm to self]
Julie: [content redacted to prevent severe bodily harm to self]
Matt: [content redacted to prevent severe bodily harm to self]
Julie: thank you!
Matt: [content redacted to prevent severe bodily harm to self]
Julie: [content redacted to prevent severe bodily harm to self]
Matt: [content redacted to prevent severe bodily harm to self]
Julie: gasp!
Matt: What?
Julie: [content redacted to prevent severe bodily harm to self]
Matt: [content redacted to prevent severe bodily harm to self]
Julie: [content redacted to prevent severe bodily harm to self]
Matt: [content redacted to prevent severe bodily harm to self]
Julie: [content redacted to prevent severe bodily harm to self]


"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero


  1. You know, this post might actual mean something if it actually said something. Too much censorship means nothing to the rest of us.

  2. That was essentially the point. ;-)

  3. While that was an incredibly boring post, you are a wise man. When did you start posting IM fragments on the blog? I don't remember you doing that before. Hmm. That must mean i'm special ;-)!

  4. The first one I just did because it was such a perfect recruitment spiel. Then this one I did because you didn't expect me to post the (near) entirety of the last one.
