Friday, April 06, 2007


Have you ever tried to find matches at Wal-Mart?  Perhaps it is only the one that I went to, but I couldn't find them anywhere!  Well I suppose I could have gotten the small boxes that were at the check-out lanes, but I wanted big boxes that don't run out so quickly.  I checked in sporting goods and was directed towards hardware and lawn and garden.  From there I was sent a few other places and I never did find them anywhere.

Then I went to Kroger, asked at the Customer Service desk and the guy pointed towards the store's front wall.  "Right there by the charcoal."  Wow, that was easy!


PS But I didn't look too closely.  I didn't realize they were strike on box until I got home.  But I did get three boxes for less than $1.50, and they each have a couple hundred matches!  <insert evil grin here>

"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero


  1. Report:
    Package arrived for Fibonacci today, delivered to him this evening. Tricky, packing it in its own box, people probably looked at it and said, "Nah! Couldn't be..."

    : )
    Aunt Bee

  2. Good, I'm glad it arrived safely. Of course that is actually the box my mom's new camera came in, and which she used to send me her old camera. And so then I used to send my camera to Fib, but yeah, it is a camera, so it all works out in the end. ;-)
