Thursday, April 05, 2007


Last night I slept over at my sister's place. She and most of the family headed down to my brother Larry in Tennessee to enjoy some Spring Break vacation. One of the older boys stayed behind, mostly so that he could get in some extra hours at McDonald's I think. Well, my sister asked me to stay over last night when he had some friends over.

I haven't gone anywhere in a while, so I did have to think for a bit before I got everything together that I would need. I needed the chargers for my cell phone and PDA as well as a spare alarm clock to ensure that I would wake up on time. Then I brought some of the bread that I baked yesterday, and the rest of the fixings for lunch (except for the chips, I stole those from my sister, ;-)).

I even remembered all of my toiletries, though I shaved last night rather than bringing my razor over. Well I slept well and even woke up early thanks to a second alarm on my cell phone. That one I set so I'd get up early enough to get the bread ready yesterday. I didn't get up with it (about thirty minutes early) but I did doze off and on and then got up about five minutes early rather than my usual five minutes late. That bit of time made a difference, even with the slightly different routine here at my sister's house rather than at my apartment.

I was ready to go about ten minutes before I need to. Then I discovered a problem. I couldn't find my keys. At first I looked everywhere that I'd been in the house (only a couple places as I pretty much just went straight to bed last night) and couldn't find them! Then I was thinking that I was sure I'd had them and they must be here, so I looked everywhere again. Finally I reflected again and realized that I wasn't so sure I'd had them last night after all. I do need to lock the door of my apartment when I leave, but not the front door of the building.

My hands were full when I left to cross the street last night, and I'm sure that I somehow just forgot them. Thankfully this is the first time this has happened in six months. Because of the cold snap though, even though I'm at my sister's place I elected to leave my car in my garage, figuring that a bit longer walk was worth a warmer car. This though leaves my car locked inside my apartment. I do have a spare car key, but no spare apartment key.

I'm going to call my landlord later (at what I can figure is a decent hour) and see when he could let me in. At that time I need to ask him if I can get a spare key that I could leave here at my sister's place. I'm not too worried about work besides the lost pay as they've not been keeping me that busy (in contrast to the Cincinnati plant where there is plenty that I could be doing right now!). I called in and let them know of the situation. Once I get access to my car I'll call them back and figure out the plan for the day.

Joy, joy, joy... ;-)


PS UPDATE No, Mark, you may not quote me yet again, but I am an idiot. Of course this only happened after I left a message with my landlord (and haven't heard back) and finally called work to tell them that I couldn't make it in for sure. I found my keys. I replaced the water in one of my nephew's frog cages (as apparently needs to happen each day). His brother is supposed to do it, but he is still sleeping and I doubted that he would remember. I started moving the cages around and spot my keys laying there. Of course it is only now that I remember that my sister's front door was locked last night so I had to use my key to open it.

Earlier I couldn't remember that and so could convince myself that I must have left my keys. By this point the work day is nearly half over. I'll miss the day of pay, but I don't really want to have to call back in at this point--I'll just write off this day as a mistake and head into work tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

  1. ouch -- do the keys say "do not copy" on them? If not, you could get a copy made for $2 at Wal-Mart or a hardware store

    Also, if you didn't lock your own door, it's just the front door that's locked, couldn't you buzz one of the other rooms and see if someone was home to let you in?

    If your room door is locked... how are the keys inside?

    Just wasn't sure which door(s) were the problem.

    Hope you get in soon :-/
