Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Victory for life!

Thankfully the Supreme Court has upheld the Congressional partial-birth abortion ban!!

Observers say the decision reflects the recent addition to the court of two conservative justices appointed by President Bush.
Wonderful! Sounds great to me. Now if we can only get rid of Ginsberg and/or Stevens and replace them with more people that actually respect the Constitution.

The Bush administration has defended the law as drawing a line between abortion and what they say is infanticide.
But abortion rights groups say the decision is a blow that could threaten most abortions after 12 weeks of pregnancy.
They say the procedure is sometimes the safest for a woman.

Cry me a river. I hope it does threaten more abortions! They are ALL murder. But this is a good first step down a long road. Hopefully we can keep momentum going.

It is good to see some good news to balance out the horror of the Virginia school massacre. Of course when you look at things objectively I'm sure far more than 32 babies were mercilessly butchered on that same day in just the state of Virginia. So as much as I might dislike judicial review in practice this one instance is good in that the Court has given some power back to the rightful purview of the legislature.


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