Thursday, April 19, 2007


Today I ventured out to the Answers in Genesis Creation Museum (nearing completion) for an interview. I think it went rather well for an initial interview. I have hopes that I'll be called back in for a second interview. I don't want to say too much (be too optimistic), but I'm quite hopeful now. Now to just pray that this is the open door God would have me go through (or that if it is to close I could at least avoid it hitting me in the face as I readjust, ;-)).



  1. Be sure and let me know as soon as the situation's updated at all! When would you get the job, though? Is the museum ever going to open?

  2. That would be a sweet place to work. I hope it works out, Matt.

  3. Thanks, I'll be sure to keep y'all posted. I appreciate the comments.
