Sunday, June 10, 2007

Johnny Mac

Someone from work told me that John MacArthur was preaching at her church.  As I haven't heard him preach in a couple years I decided to attend that service.  It was a powerful message from Second Corinthians about God being a reconciler.  2 Cor 5:21 is the heart and meat of the gospel: "He made Him who knew no sin sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."

I didn't usually attend MacArthur's church when I was at Master's, but I heard him speak often.  Perhaps we heard other preaching so much I didn't appreciate it as much then.  The church I attend is great, but I miss the type of expository preaching that MacArthur does.  It was a very good sermon.  I even thought about talking to him afterwards.  He is apparently in the area for some sort of conference.  I thought about telling him that I graduated from Masters a couple years back and was now working at the Creation Museum.  Oh well, perhaps another time (whenever that might be ;-)).

It is interesting to see the church situation in the area.  Just as around Master's you could find faculty, staff, and students at many area churches of varying denominations so you can find Creation Museum and Answers in Genesis staff attending a variety of local churches.


"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero

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