Monday, June 18, 2007

No tags

I bought my annual Old Navy flag T-shirt a few days ago.  I was pleasantly surprised to see that they have embraced the "no tags" movement.  Okay, perhaps it isn't a movement, but it should be!  I remember seeing that Hanes was releasing T-shirts with printed tags a couple years ago.

For years I have cut tags off my shirts because I hate to feel them rubbing against my neck.  Finally I have a shirt where I don't have to do this!  :-)


"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero

1 comment:

  1. I have been busy and most recently my computer has been freaking out and I have not been able to do anything significant online for a while. I can see you have remained faithful and are doing well.

    If you check out my blog you will see that I have some company coming this week (tomorrow night, in fact) and I am sure you would enjoy being here as well. You are certainly welcome, though I suspect a cross country trip might be a bit much to manage.

    Nice about getting to see MacArthur. Kate got his new NASB Study Bible for graduation from church.

    Happy for you about the tagless T.

    : )
