Sunday, July 01, 2007

Political fun

I just caught the last few minutes of Sean Hannity's new show Hannity's America for the first time.  It was interesting, somewhat like listening to his radio show.  I enjoyed the time spent, I don't often have time to listen to good political radio or TV.  He had an excellent section on how wrong Rachel Carson was when she wrote Silent Spring and how many mistakes she made.  All those mistakes have cost the lives of countless people in Africa who have died of malaria after DDT was banned and mosquitoes proliferated.

Anyway, that isn't the best part of the evening.  I'm now watching the 1/2 Hour News Hour on the Fox News Channel.  It is hilarious!  If you've never watched it give it a try!  And if I'm the last person to start watching, then you didn't y'all tell me about it before this!


"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero


  1. The DDT Ban Myth

    "There were suspensions in the spraying programs, but they were not the result of any "environmental hysteria". To understand what actually happened, it is necessary to learn about the realities of pesticide use. One of the major problems with using pesticides is that insect populations soon develop resistance to the chemicals. Insects resistant to DDT began appearing one year after its first public health use (Garrett, page 50). As new insecticides were introduced, resistance to them also developed. Much of Silent Spring is a cataloging of reports of resistance to insecticides."

  2. That is one side of the story. Here is the other:

    I do know that DDT was recently reapproved by the WHO for widespread use in Africa, including being sprayed inside homes. Why would they do that if it was no longer effective? From what I have read chemicals that replaced DDT have never worked as well while DDT does still work quite well.
