Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Um...wrong number?

I just received a strange phone call.  It was a collect call from the Kenton County Jail.  Now I don't know anyone likely to end up in jail who knows my house phone number so I thought it strange.  Then when it gave me the recorded part where the caller identifies himself it was a male voice saying "It's me."  Well I didn't recognize the voice and was sure it wasn't anybody I know then--anybody who might call me would surely use their name...  But strange.  I wonder who they were trying to call.


"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero


  1. Matt, are you sure you aren't hiding something from us? ;-)

  2. Um, let me think. Nope. But my sister Laurie is always getting calls for a taxi service (the phone numbers are close) so perhaps wrong numbers run in the family. ;-)

  3. I once received a long, strange phone call at work mostly involving an apparently gay Californian man explaining his plan to thaw frozen caramel candies on his car engine and expounding on his hatred of Bruce Willis. I assume it was a prank, but you never know; we have a few customers on some very strong medications.

  4. Yeah, I remember a thing that went around a few years ago where they would try to use the collect payment, but route the actual call elsewhere.

    We actually got a call at work about a month ago. The administrative assistant's phone rang, and she wasn't there, so I picked it up. Mechanical voice asked, "Do you want to accept a call from [some funky prison name] in Qatar?" That's in the United Arab Emirates. I hung up. Caller ID then showed that it continued to successively auto dial up the chain of phone numbers one digit at a time.

    You better believe that I let IT know about it immediately so they could block the incoming call (we run our own PBX).

  5. Matt,

    Thanks for not coming down to bail me out.

  6. It's me . . .

  7. Um, that was a joke, 'cause it was really me.

    : )

    Aunt Bee
