Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Well I went to watch Stardust this evening (Monday night).  It was very enjoyable, for a movie.  I'm sorry, I'm too much of a reader.  The movie was great, I'll freely admit that.  Some of the changes made for a great movie.  But I'm too much of a book person not to be disappointed at how the scriptwriters thought they had to spell things out so plainly (when they were simply implied in the book) and create dramatic tension not present in the book.  *shrugs*  I'm not at all objective, so I might be overlooking how these changes made it a better movie, but I can't help but compare it to the book.  Again, great movie, but as always (though I'm still looking), better book.  ;-)


"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero


  1. I relate. I was so looking forward to and then so disappointed in Eragon. Why they feel they have to change a story that has an excellent plot to begin with is beyond me. I hope some day someone with less ego and more appreciation for the book will do a better version. I can understand a few changes to make it fit better on screen (as in LOTR) but to change it so drastically that it is scarcely recognizable is extremely irritating.

  2. I just looked up the info on the movie, I guess I better get to reading the book so I can see it when it comes out on video. (Unless I can finish before the movie is gone from theaters.)

  3. So, this is a good place to introduce my new-bee, since the old one is here too. You are missing, Matt.

  4. Oh, cool, the new one only shows up with the newest comment on my screen, so I can see the difference. Sorry, I meant to get back to you sooner.

    The book is great, a wonderful little fairy tale. The movie is also good. Just think of how movies are different from books (more visual and visually dramatic, etc...) and you can probably predict some of the changes.
