Thursday, August 09, 2007

Touring the Creation Museum

I keep forgetting that different sites are separate. I have posted quite a few pictures of the Creation Museum on my Facebook account, but of course those are not accessible here. Therefore I'll provide y'all with the links to the albums below. Enjoy!

Creation Museum grounds
Creation Museum interior (i.e. limited walk-through--I want to bring out some big things as well as some that are overlooked, without spoiling the entire experience)


PS If you want really good pictures check out the ones that my nephew Chris took on his walk-through (though he didn't get to see everything).

1 comment:

  1. Matt,

    Nice pictures! You are clearly enjoying the camera. Before I read the comment below the picture of the two scientists I thought they might be cavemen. Though, they wouldn't be so good in a GEICO commercial. Just saying.

    Sigh...I don't know if we will ever get to travel out that way, but God knows the future, so we will see. Thanks for the offer. If we do get to come, and if you still work there, expect to give a tour.
