Sunday, November 18, 2007

Pirates at the Museum

Today was another awesome day with friends. It was the perfect day to explore the Museum Center with friends from the Creation Museum. We explored not only the Latin American Culture Fest (which gave the others their free ticket) but also the History Museum. And we kept running into pirates! Two of my coworkers (Jen and Rachel) insisted on pictures with all the pirates that they ran into. It was great fun, and I got to take many pictures.

At the end of the evening we came back to Hebron, Kentucky where we'd started out (near the Creation Museum) and ate at Mr. Herb's , which is a great little local restaurant. I would type more, but I spent all of my creative juices typing captions for the pictures that I put up on Facebook. If you have an account then check out the photos. If you don't have an account yet then you should create one and add me as a friend!

"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero

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