Monday, November 19, 2007

What is that?

Yeah, I have a day off tomorrow, so I'm wondering exactly what that is.  I haven't had a day off except for Sunday in quite a while (not counting the weekend I visited Tennessee).  Of course despite the fact that I say I "don't have a life" I've managed to keep it busy.  I'm heading into the Creation Museum with some clocks (I had an idea to keep the Planetarium running on time).  [As an aside sadly nobody who regularly reads this has visited the museum so they don't get the joke--but that is partly my fault since I've avoided writing here for so long.]  Then I need to work on some video editing and prep for Thanksgiving dinner.  I'm going over to the house of some friends and will be bringing food, so I need to get started on the preparations and ingredients gathering.  Then I need to get ready for Bible Study.  It is Mexican Food night and instead of ordering pizza or eating out we'll be bringing together the food.  It sounds like fun, and I offered to fry the taco shells.  I always love fried corn tortillas better than the hard taco shells that you can buy.

Tonight I rented Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer from the $1 a night machine at Kroger.  It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great either.  It was a fun way to waste some time--but not anything really worth watching again.  I did recognize Stan Lee in his cameo, and not just because he used his real name.  I also rented Casino Royale and plan to watch that tomorrow morning.  I'm actually thinking of heading to bed somewhat soon.  It won't really be that early, but somewhat early and might make it easier to get up earlier when I don't have to go to work.


"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero

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