Monday, July 07, 2008


Last night (i.e. Saturday) I went out with some friends to see a fireworks show (my fourth of the year, and second of the past couple weeks). It was down on the Ohio River just across the river into Indiana. It was a good show, though I deliberately didn't bring my camera, just because when I do I'm usually just trying to get good fireworks shots, and I really have plenty of those now--it was just a good time to hang out with friends and enjoy the show.

I missed seeing any fireworks on the Fourth except those few I saw on either side of the highway as I drove home from work at night. At what appeared to be the end of the show (with a nice finale) a lighted sign appeared on the barge that read "More?" Of course everybody clapped and yelled, and pretty soon the fireworks started up again. They were good, but there was no real finale to the second set, they just eventually ended.



  1. We were in the best spot on our junior college campus to watch. Last year we were way too close and were sure we were going to have to hit the deck, like hobbits chased by a dragon; this year we were on the opposite side of the campus and could still see the low to the ground extras that can only be seen by the stout-enough-to-brave-the-traffickers.

  2. Ah, thanks for the Hobbit illustration. I can picture exactly what you mean.

    I also remember growing up near Disneyland--every night in the summer we could hear the fireworks from our house. Sometimes we'd drive to a local school, sit in the back of the truck and actually watch much of the show.
