Saturday, July 12, 2008

Home before Midnight

Well I'm not asleep yet at 00:10, but I made it home before midnight! Tonight was a late night anyway because the Creation Museum was open until 9:00. But we're rolling out a new version of our Daily Schedule that incorporates the Museum map (starting on Sunday). I had to make sure that we had enough printed for the next several days because these new projects need to be folded by our staff before we can distribute them to guests. So, it took a while to make sure that everything was okay and to calculate the proper numbers to print. I'm off Monday and Tuesday, so I had to ensure that we'd have enough on those days, knowing that I wouldn't be around to print more.

I'm enjoying the responsibilities I have and the projects I'm working on--but sometimes it feels as though I never have enough time. Sometimes I resent the time I work on projects because I'm not on the floor doing the jobs that I really enjoy, and other times I wish I wasn't on the floor because I have so much to get done. It is a Catch-22 I guess--I wish I knew how to balance the two aspects of work life. All I know is that I don't want to go completely in one direction or the other--I love both areas: project and floor work. I especially do not want to give up working on the Museum floor with guests.

Now I must head off to bed because I need to be back at the Museum early in the morning to get the Planetarium up and running. I hope that it will be a nice and busy Saturday!


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