Saturday, February 07, 2009

Mini-reunion in Nashville

I got up extra early this morning (4:30) so that I could leave to head down to Nashville to visit my parents (and my grandma who is visiting with them). I was over at my sister's house just after five, and she had said that she would be ready to go at 5:30, but it was just after 5:50 by the time my car pulled away. *sigh*

It was a good drive down, one of my nephews came along, and we picked up my nephew Chris and his girlfriend in Louisville. Partway down Chase fell asleep, so I handed my camera to my sister and asked her to snap this shot, I thought that it was too good not to post.

What I didn't realize until I got here was that another nephew was flying in, and one of my aunts was in town, so she came over--and my brother lives here in Nashville, so we have a good number of family around this weekend (but only a small fraction of the total). It should be a good weekend, though I am still reading e-mails from work, ;-).

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