Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tea Party!

I attended a tea party today. No, I didn't drink tea. This was a political rally, a grass-roots organized event (started by a Community Organizer, Mike Wilson, ;-)) intended to be in the spirit of the original Boston Tea Party. Many of these "Tea Parties" have sprung up across the country. The largest I've heard of was in Fullerton, CA with estimates that range from 8-15 thousand. The best numbers I heard today were 3,500-5,000 packing out Fountain Square in downtown Cincinnati, Ohio. I was at the front of the crowd and didn't move around to get a good vantage point, so I'm sure others got better pictures of the whole crowd (or as much as they could capture via camera). I mainly concentrated on a few panoramic crowd shots and then shots of the speakers and as many signs as I could get. Here are a few relevant links:

Cincinnati Tea Party

Michelle Malkin's post on the event
Here is a picture from her website that I tweaked:

My Picasa Web Album of pictures


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