Thursday, May 07, 2009

Movie night

Tonight I had several friends over to my place. I cooked dinner (a roast in the crock pot, potatoes, and yes, salad...) and we watched an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 from the library. Yes, the movie was very stupid...but as usual the commentary was funny. It could have used just a bit more commentary though, to provide some more humour and drown out a bit more of the movie, ;-). It was "The Atomic Brain."

All in all it was a fun evening. Really though I need to plan a strategy game night at my place. I've been to a couple, but always somewhere else. I think I have enough room, especially if we only have a couple games going.



  1. You can't have a roast and potatoes without carrots. You need to have color!

    Just kidding. It sounds like you had a great time.


  2. Well the potatoes weren't in the crock pot, they were boiled and then mixed with cheese, ranch dressing, bacon bits, and baked in the oven for just a bit...rather good actually. I got the recipe from a friend.

  3. The potatoes sound good. How about sharing the recipe?

