Friday, May 08, 2009

Please tell me the day gets better...

This morning I woke up to my alarm, as usual, at six. Again, as usual I hit the snooze a couple times (which I can safely do and still get to work on time). But then something different happened, I realized that I didn't have a ride to work. My car is currently in the shop being repaired after my accident at the start of my vacation a couple weeks ago. I've been arranging for rides from my roommate, but he was sick yesterday and I don't know when he comes into work today, or if he is well enough to do so. This realization hit around 6:30 and I had to leave for work at 7:00!

I sent a quick text message to my sister Laurie (who lives across the street) to see if I could borrow one of her vehicles (though they're down one because my nephew Chris is borrowing the truck). Thankfully it worked out okay and I was able to leave on time.

I got into my sister's van and found that I'd left my camera in it yesterday when I'd borrowed it for a couple of errands. That was the one bit of good news this morning, ;-). I realized half-way to work that I'd forgotten my ID badge! I was able to get a temporary one this morning, but I can't do a couple of things without it. As I came into work this morning I mentioned this saga to the Public Safety officer out front, and asked him to "please tell me that the day will get better." He very obligingly said that it would, and had a good word of encouragement after I related the entire tale, stating that "The Lord will bless it." Sometimes you just need to have the right outlook on things...why dwell on the bad when you can remember all the good things (all of them really) that God has done, and will continue to do. My life may appear to have its bad points at times, but overall I have been incredibly blessed!


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