Tuesday, September 08, 2009


Bible Study was good tonight. Our group has shrunk from what it once was...but thankfully most nights we can get at least five of us, and sometimes it is more. We're still in the middle of Hebrews--just going through Chapter Eight tonight. Even with Flynn not around to keep taking us back we still don't progress that far.

I'm not complaining mind you, it is nice that we're not speeding through, but taking deliberate time. We're just coming to the end of the section talking about the priesthood of Melkizedek. It has been fascinating as we've dived into several different passages in the Old Testament each week, investigating different matters. I like footnotes (especially in my MacArthur study bible), but oftentimes you need to go beyond that. Don't just rely on one person, but search the scriptures on your own (or with others) instead of just accepting somebody (no matter how thoughtful and usually accurate they are) else's interpretation.


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