Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Y'all Come Back!

This water tower is a classic sight in Northern Kentucky. One story I've heard is that at one point it advertised "Florence Mall" but when it was discovered that such advertising wasn't allowed the mayor changed it to y'all.

Y'all is such a good Southern word. It is so much more convenient than you all or other longer collective terms.

Once my dad was ordering a typing book from a distant store (this is while I was growing up in California) and somehow realized that the store was in Florence. He mentioned this water tower (My sister has lived in Cincinnati for over 15 years...) and the clerk was surprised that he knew of it.

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  1. Delightful! Big improvement over "Mall."

  2. I saw that water tower when we were back there. Dad pointed it out and told me the story.


  3. But I really like it when southerners say, "All y'all." You know you're included then.

  4. Thanks Becky...I don't think I have the accent (too many years in California and not enough out here...yet?), but I do like it when others say it also.
