Sunday, October 04, 2009

Almost a month

It was almost a month ago that I started regularly blogging again and a couple days after that when I decided to keep this up every day. I've only missed one day since then, but I've really been enjoying the experience.

I have no intentions of quitting. The month if September actually saw more blog posts than there were days in the month! My iPhone is making things easier. On my old phone I could update my Facebook status with a text, but that won't do for a blog. Here I actually have a handy blogging app and easy Internet access.

Thanks to everyone who has commented, both on Blogger and Facebook. I really enjoy the interaction. Please forgive me if I haven't reciprocated as much as I should have. I'll try to be better about that. If I'm keeping up with my political blogs the least I can do is keep up with my friends...


-- Posted from my iPhone
(c) 2009 iWolff Ltd.


  1. So which blogging ap do you use for iPhone?

  2. BlogPress. It has a nice easy interface. It is easy to insert pictures, save drafts, and change settings (like tags and time/date of the post). And I'm pretty sure it was free...
