Sunday, October 04, 2009

Save time in your kitchen

Today you get something better than a picture. I have a video to share. It is a bit of nostalgia that I found while cruising through the Prelinger Archives. I've dived into these databases before, but not for a while. Now that I can watch videos on my iPhone I'm back at it, downloading old videos of historic interest. This piece is from 1949 and details many features of a modern "step saving kitchen." Yes, some of the material is dated, but some of the ideas are still relevant today. Take a look and tell me what you think.


PS If you like old videos then go searching through Prelinger. You can find some real gems...I love the old travelogues.


  1. Matt,

    That was good. I liked some of the ideas, but some I didn't care for.


  2. I want that kitchen...sans gluten.
