Sunday, February 28, 2010


It was five years ago today that I was first hired at the Cincinnati Museum Center.  I was diving through my blog archives a few days ago when I found this post from 2005.  I knew it was coming up on five years, but I hadn't realized that I got the information at the very end of February.  Of course I haven't been working full-time, so the Museum Center doesn't count me as having been there for five years--but I know it has been that long, ;-).

It is amazing to think that it was the small exhibit on Monkey King that got me my museum start that ended up leading to the Creation Museum.  I know the path that God directed me on started much earlier, but this was one of the very visibly related steps.

If I remember this fact I'll definitely look at the 28th of February a bit differently from now on.  I don't know if Monkey King is still traveling (I think its run was supposed to be over by now), but I did find a page that shows some of the exhibits.  I know that my blog had several posts featuring exhibit content, so if you're really interested you should search there as well.


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