Saturday, February 27, 2010

Forgotten Flower

I know when I took this picture only because I can look at the time stamp on the file--it was August of 2007.  That was when my current camera (Kodak Z712) was still new.  Unfortunately I haven't figured out all of its features in the intervening time, but I have used it quite a few times.

I don't remember when I rediscovered this picture, but I had certainly forgotten about it for quite some time.  I wasn't even sure it was my picture the first time I saw it. I know it was taken in the Creation Museum's botanical gardens.  According to time sheet records I did work that day, so I was likely wandering around the gardens during lunch.

Regardless of its origin I do like the picture.  The depth of field is good and I like the building in the far background where its light colors contrast with the bark.


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