Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Beyond a Tie

No, this post isn't about men's fashion, though I wish that widely acceptable formal attire could be found sans necktie...

My last post (from my iPhone a few minutes ago) was the 55th blog post that I have made in the month of February.  This actually ties February 2010 with October 2009 for the number of blog posts made.  October was the first (albeit incompletely) month during which I started my current trend of posting once a day if at all possible.  I do try not to post simply for the sake of increasing my post count.  Spam on a blog is still spam, though it may taste just a tad better.

This blog entry is about blogging, but I try to keep these few and far between.  I definitely don't feel bad for making this post though.  Back in October I wasn't sure I'd be able to keep up a one-a-day posting schedule.  Little did I know that I'd do better than than overall and still be doing it come February.  I'm glad to see that I was able to stick to this resolution.

As I've said, I'm still enjoying it.  I hope there are a few people out there reading this also.  I did start to track site traffic with Google Analytics and I just have to say that I wish I had done this long ago.  It is fascinating to see how many people are visiting my blog, where they are coming from, and where they live.  The most interesting part will be to see the trends as time goes on.  One of the features I can utilize is to see what cities my readers are from.  Some of them are quite recognizable as family and friends...but others I'm not sure about.  One is even in Sydney Australia!

Well I'd better get going.  I have plenty to do today and not enough time to do it.  I actually fell asleep earlier than I meant to last night...


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