Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Melting Snow

While the snow is melting now (or may be melted by the time this post goes live), I took this picture while it was still falling.  You can see where snow, covered by ice, began to ball of the edge of the pavilion roof and curve around.  I especially like how the icicles are pointing inwards now.

I was just typing up the tags for this post and as I applied "weather" I realized that I really need a snow tag.  It is something that I might go back to edit into this winter's posts.  It would be a useful thing to bring up all of the snow pictures that I've posted--especially some of the old ones.

This picture is fun enough that I can't just post one.  I took several different shots from slightly different angles, so I'll include a couple of those below.



  1. Wow, that's fantastic! I've never seen that happen before. Hmmm....

  2. I like these a lot, Matt. Nice effect of the melting.
