Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Frozen Fountain

Is anyone tired of snow pictures yet?

In the past few months I've really tried to keep at least one post per day, and if I can at least a picture a day. There have only been a few days that I have failed to post--so I think this might be developing into a habit.  Even if that many people aren't reading this I know that I can go back and re-read posts later.

Anyway, rather than pictures pre-posted from my iPhone (which isn't cheating, but aren't as nice as other posts and pictures) I decided to pre-load this week with pictures from my regular camera.



  1. I'm tired of the snow pictures! :P Give us some green pictures!!!

  2. Contrary to what my son says, I am enjoying the snow pictures. We had snow, wind, and rain last night.

    I also check your blog every day. That is one way I can keep up with you.


  3. There are some non-snow pictures coming Josh.

    Thanks Cheryl. I enjoy reading your blog also. I wonder if we can get the rest of the family to blog, ;-).

  4. Do you enjoy mine? It's okay to say no. :D

  5. No.

    Just kidding. I do enjoy reading your blog and thus keeping up on your life. I goes well with your chats to keep up to date.
