Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Television tonight

Well I've been watching TV for a few hours tonight.  I came over to my sister's place after cooking dinner.  She and my brother-in-law are gone this week--on a Caribbean cruise.  I found the nerfs watching Monsters vs. Aliens so I sat down and watched the remaining portions of the movie.  I have seen it before, but it is a fun flick and I enjoyed seeing the parts that I saw again.

My brother-in-law's mom, Marie, is staying with the kids to watch them.  She wanted to watch NCIS, but the movie was going to overlap the start--so we set it to record along with NCIS: LA and Lost.  After the movie we watched NCIS and I voted to watch NCIS: LA next because the first minute or two were caught on the NCIS recording--but Chase wanted to watch Lost so that he could go to bed.  I decided that it wasn't a bad idea after all and we watched Lost.

I'm still really enjoying Lost, even though the show really has changed from the first season.  There are still questions as the season continues, but we're also seeing answers.  Tonight we got to see something that we hadn't seen in several seasons--it was quick, but I like the fact that we got to see it.  The writers either don't forget things or really do listen to the fans that are constantly asking questions/reminding them about things.

After Lost Chase headed to bed and Marie left just a few minutes ago.  I switched over to the Olympics--but unfortunately I checked the medal count since I had missed the past couple hours.  I managed to spoil the first even that I saw.  *sigh*  I really like the live events--except that sometimes I forget they are live and think that I've seen the results.  Overall though it is nice to not have to worry about being spoiled about the result of an event, even if it can be a bit nervous.  I think I'll stay over here watching the Olympics for a while...


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