Friday, May 07, 2010

Another Milestone

My blog is approaching 230 posts for the year!  As I've mentioned before I don't just blog to increase my post count, but it is cool to watch the numbers nonetheless.  I had 23 in 2004 (I started in December), 147 in 2005, 270 in 2006 (that was a good year).  Then I trailed off after I started at the Creation Museum in 2007 (145) and 2008 was dismal with 9. 2009 saw a recovery late in the year with at least one per day for a total of 215 and I'm now at 230 for this year only five months in 2010.

It is pretty boring to go back to a year like 2008 and try to remember what I was doing.  With no blog posts to remind me my memory is notoriously unreliable.  Even if nobody reads my blog I'll keep writing it, even if only for the reason that I'll be able to go back and read it in the years to come.


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