Friday, May 07, 2010

Come See the Planetarium!

If you've known me in the past three years (or known me previously and talked to me in those three years) then you know I work at the Creation Museum.  I love my job there, partially because I get to do so many different things.  One of the things I did the most during my first year or so was to work in the Stargazer's Planetarium.  It is a fantastic theater--partially because of the technology, but also because of the credit that it gives to God.  Even if it wasn't high tech (and it is) it would be worth the ticket price for the biblical perspective.  I've long told people that they need to see the show--especially when I'm selling tickets.  I'll admit I get no commission on Planetarium sales, I just want them to see the show because I've seen it so often that I know it is a fantastic presentation.

Well I've changed my tune--no, not in a bad way, ;-).  If the Planetarium was fantastic before it is now awesome!  The theater was closed for four days this week so that new projectors could be installed.  The old projectors made the previous planetarium systems (points of light from a ball in the center of the theater) look antiquated but the new projectors make those ones look...well...pathetic.  The new projectors are high definition, i.e. 1080p.  The picture is clear, colors vivid, and wow!  I watched our two main shows today and was blown away.  There were a couple of tweaks that still needed to be made because of some software upgrades--but by and large everything was positively amazing.  If you've never seen the Creation Museum's planetarium before then you really don't have an excuse any longer.  I've long told people the DVD was good because it gave you a crisper show than the live show--though it wasn't immersive.  I'll no longer tell anyone the DVD is better in any way but the fact that you can take it home with you.  And if you've seen the show before then you owe it to yourself to come back and experience the new projectors.  I predict you'll walk out saying "wow."


PS If you need a few more superlatives then check out the Creation Museum's blog.


  1. Speaking of the Planetarium, do you still have those DVDs for when we got a subscription for the Church to the Answers Magazine?


  2. Oh yeah, I forgot about those. They're sitting on a shelf in my living room. I'll try to get those to you very soon. Sorry... :(

  3. That is okay. I know you have been busy.


  4. can't wait to see it this summer
