Sunday, April 22, 2012

Camping again!

At long last we are once again camping. Amy and I are spending several days in the Big South Fork National River and Recreation area. We drove down Saturday morning after I finished working an overnight. We had some rain, but thankfully it wasn't too heavy and had died off by the time we set up our tent.

Over the next couple days we plan to see several local areas (e.g. South Fork visitor centers), Cumberland Falls, and the Cumberland Gap National Historic Site. We'll also spend some time relaxing, :-).

I've learned my lesson and always put a tarp down. Before this trip I had to patch a hole in the bottom of the tent. On our last camping trip water leaked in the last night and wasn't fun!

We had a tasty dinner of rice and beans.

Amy really likes fires--mostly because they're warm. :-)


-- Posted from my iPhone
(c) 2012 iWolff Ltd.

Location:Stewart Rd,,United States

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