Monday, May 14, 2012

Pointy Things

Why am I writing about pointy things?  Well, a book was just made available for pre-order today, a book by one of my favourite authors.  There are only a couple authors on my "must order" list when they write a new book.  There are several that I like to order, but those I can hold off if necessary.  David Weber, Jim Butcher, and Howard Taylor are all on my short list of books that I must order when they come out.  Their genre's are slightly varied also: military sci-fi, urban fantasy, and comic space opera graphic novel.

I've enjoyed Howard's comic strip Schlock Mercenary for quite some time.  I know that I started reading in college--and at least once during my initial read of the backlog I stayed up all night reading new (to me) installments.  I also pre-ordered his first book back in 2006 and greatly enjoyed it.  In fact I also blogged about that, ;-).
Well I came home to find that my book had arrived. Which book? I'm glad you asked. Schlock Mercenary: Under New Management. I must apologize though, the Amazon page doesn't have much really. I would link to the order page on the main Schlock site, but alas orders aren't being accepted yet. I preordered my book and as a result it was signed! :-) But you can't make regular orders yet--I'm not sure when, but it might not be until all of the preorders have been shipped, including the sketch editions. I headed down to the library after work and read the book. Sure I'd read them before, but it was still great! There was some new content, plus it was printed on glossy pages in beautiful crystal clear colour. Ahhh... 'Tis a sight to behold. I'll definately be ordering the next book when it comes out. [Obligatory link to original post--which has more content.]
 At the time I bemoaned the fact that while the book was great it didn't start at the very beginning of the saga, with the original strip from June 12, 2000.  Of course as Howard says on that page if you start reading there you get to watch his "artwork evolve from bad to, well, marginally less bad. It's your call. Thanks for clicking in!"  Personally I think that it is quite worth it--and I did end up ordering the first two books when they were produced.  I've actually ordered each and every book when it has come out.  Last year the pre-order for the last book was scheduled to open while I was gone on my honeymoon!  Now I love my wife and wouldn't have derailed the honeymoon for Schlock Mercenary (as amazing as it is!), but I thought it was worth asking to see if something could be done.  I've seen pre-orders sell-out in the past and didn't want to get left out just because I was out of the country at the time.  I'm frequently hesitant to do things like this as I work with the public and describe actions like this as "guesty" (not a complimentary term), but the occasion was worth it.  I drafted an e-mail to the Taylors and waited...
I have a slightly unusual question. I just read earlier today that the pre-order date of Schlock Mercenary: Emperor Pius Dei has been pushed back.  I had been planning to order a copy of the book as soon as orders were open (I have all the others--mostly sketch editions) and was hoping to be able to get a sketch edition.  However, I won't have internet access on June 27.  I'm getting married on June 25 and will not be back from the honeymoon until July 3.  I was wondering if there was any way that I could arrange to reserve a sketch edition because of these unusual circumstances.  I remember previously that sketch editions have sold rather quickly.
I understand if it isn't possible, but I assumed that I couldn't hurt to ask.  Thanks.
Amazingly I got a reply back the next day:
Hi Matt,
We'd be happy to hold a copy for you. Just email us when you're back from your honeymoon and we'll help you place the order.Thanks for supporting Schlock,--Sandra Tayler
Let me just say, they didn't need to say yes, but they did.  I've always enjoyed Howard's comics, and his books, and they have great customer service also.  I would highly recommend that you check out the comic strip if you enjoy sci-fi and/or if you enjoy humour.  You'll find it at  Or you can borrow my books--if you live nearby and promise to take care of them (no bent spines!).


PS I almost forgot to mention, one of the great things about the books, besides being able to read without having to use a computer is that you get to read bonus stories that aren't available anywhere on-line!  Go order a book today, especially the pre-order for "Sharp End of the Stick."  And you thought I'd forget to explain the title of this post, ;-).

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