Friday, April 20, 2007

Where was this when I was in college?

Inventors have created a soap infused with caffeine which helps users wake up in the morning.

The soap, called Shower Shock, supplies the caffeine equivalent of two cups of coffee per wash with the stimulant absorbed naturally through the skin, manufacturers say.

"Tired of waking up and having to wait for your morning (coffee) to brew?" ask the makers,

Scented with peppermint oil, each bar is designed to provide a stimulant boost within five minutes.

- Reuters

This would have been great (minus the peppermint scent)!!  You could sleep in a few more minutes if you knew that your shower would wake you up that much faster!  ;-)


"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero


  1. This is incredible! I wonder how well it actually works.

  2. That's a fabulous thing! I would love to read some consumer reviews on it. Expensive soap, though!
