I went in to the museum this afternoon to start work on my new position. Much of the time was spent figuring things out, but I think that what I got done went well. I'll just have to find out when I go in next Monday for a special mid-bi-weekly time to wrap some early things up. Well enough about work.
Tonight I watched one of the movies that I have out from the library, Clear and Present Danger. It was an decent movie--but as far as keeping to the book or the spirit of the book I rate it just a bit below the disaster that was The Sum of all Fears (please don't get me started on the idiocy of that one!!). Harrison Ford definately pulled off another good performance as Jack Ryan, but were they on crack when they picked John Clark? I really can't think of many people that would be worse for the role than the one they picked, *shudder* And then they killed off several characters that were supposed to live (they made important appearances in later Clancy novels). *sigh* It has been a while since I've read the book so I wouldn't have minded most changes, but these ones were just too drastic.
Well Blogger is down right now so I'm typing this up in Notepad to save for later if the service doesn't come back soon. Let me think. What else is there? Oh yeah, Dune.
I've been listening to an unabridged (the only way I'll go) reading of the Dune prequel The Butlerian Jihad whenever I'm driving in my car. It has been quite interesting, though I'm hoping the authors didn't bite off more than they could chew trying to tie so many threads together--however I think I see some of them beginning to intertwine, so they've probably done a good job.
Well Blogger is back up and I don't really have that much more to say. I'm going in to work tomorrow so I should get to sleep somewhat early--it remains to be seen if I actually will, ;-).
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