Tomorrow I work at the Museum Center at the Gold exhibit, then Thursday I'm off so I will be working on photos on Thursday. Right now I'm collecting photos from different people. Once I have a sufficient number I'll be able to combine the folders together and burn DVDs.
These are a taste of what is to come...
The first one is a "prairie" within the swamp. The second is one of the cypress forest areas we saw late in the trip, and hopefully y'all can figure out the third picture. Hint: it isn't a crocodile.
These are really nice, Matt...except for that creepy alligator.
Nice pictures. I don't think that I would like to see the last one other than in a picture.
The gators were really not that bad. They were just like many other wild animals. Leave them alone and they'll leave you alone. As long as people don't feed them or hurt them they stay away. Many people camp in areas near where bears are--and if they take precautions with food they don't worry about it.
But I understand the Idaho concern. It would be disturbing to run into gators there... :-P
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