I just found out today that two components are still open (in the neighboring strip mall).

The pharmacy and the liquor store!
I had to visit the pharmacy to drop off a prescription for strep throat.
-- Posted from my iPhone
(c) 2010 iWolff Ltd.
Ooh, you lucky guy! I used to catch that all the time when I was a kid. At least once a year from say... 5th grade through sophomore-junior year of HS.
Oh... I think I had it once before--five years ago when I moved from California to Kentucky, but I didn't have any insurance, never went to the doctor, and eventually got better (I recall plenty of generic Day Quill and ibuprofen). I've heard of plenty of my nephews and nieces getting it--but I never had a hint of it before 2005... Of course I wouldn't mind too much if I could still say that I'd never had it, ;-).
Just wondering if you stopped by the liquor store to knock yourself out so you wouldn't feel the pain. I had strep last year. Ask Townsend...he had it all summer long last year. Everytime he got through with the antibiotics...it came right back. The third time...a shot of penicillan did the trick. It gave him a great essay title when he got back to school...what did you do over summer break?
the pest
Hmm, I didn't do that... ;-) But 'tis interesting that my sister the pastor's wife asks... :-P
I hope this doesn't come back. Penicillin wouldn't work for me. I think it was when we were visiting you in your old apartment that we discovered I was allergic.
Coincidentally enough, they left open the only two stores people need access to to get plastered.
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