Last night Ryan and I watched Signs, Chris had gone to bed early, right after dinner. Unfortunately though Ryan didn't remember his homework until after the movie. *sigh* I very definately don't want to aid the kids in diverting their attention to their homework, but I can't help it when they don't remember.
Anyway, I enjoyed the movie. After watching The Village and then procuring The Sixth Sense I thought that it was definately time to rewatch Signs. It had been long enough since I'd seen the movie for the first time that I'd forgotten some key scenes. Furthermore this time I had control of the remote so I was able to pause the movie at a couple points and catch some of the good scenes. Now I need to check the library site to reserve Unbreakable so that I can rewatch that. I remember thinking when I saw it that it was very strange, but now that I've seen more of Night's work I might appreciate it more.
This morning I was able to sleep in a bit (well until about eight I think), but tomorrow morning I'll have to get up early. My brother-in-law is flying to London tonight, so I'll be taking the kids to school in the morning. Fortunatly from what I understand of the details of my new job I'll be able to take the kids in even on days I'm working. I'm glad that I'll be able to be that much more of a help to my sister when my brother-in-law is on a trip.
Today I went to the library with my sister to drop off some DVDs and I picked up one of the Dune prequel trilogies, the soundtrack to Road to Perdition, and the DVD of The Bridge over the River Kwai. I also paid for the next month on my storage unit, not something that I look forward to, but something that is quite necessary. Nothing much more is going on, except that I'm almost done with my fantasy trilogy, so I'll have to put a review up on The Spectral Lounge soon.
You need to be a better influence on your nephews then I was on you.
Yeah, I do try...but when they won't or don't tell me...*sigh* Anyway, you were a great influence, you showed me the way to B-5! :-) Nothing else like homework matters now.
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